Archive | August 2005

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Santai dulu ahhhh

Cihuyyyy…. santai bleh Don’t you think that this guy is sexy??? ahahahaha. Hmmm… I’m entering a strange world of “writer’s blackout” these days. It means that my mind is blocked and no mood to reflect my thoughts in writing. Begitu banyak ide2 di kepala dan luapan emosi yang siap tumpah-ruah (huek!), tapi kok gak menghasilkan […]

USD 1 = Rp 10,000.-

Terbelalak mataku membaca headline berita pagi ini yang mengabarkan bahwa rupiah sudah menembus angka 10,000 per 1 dollar Amerika. Bagi banyak orang angka 10,000 dianggap sebagai level psikologis, jadi kalau level itu sudah terlewati maka kondisi perekonomian Indonesia semakin terlihat suram. Sebenarnya sebelum dollar menguat pun tanda-tanda “kebangkrutan” itu sudah mulai terlihat. Berhubung gue bergerak […]

RBC Bible Conference 2005

I’ve had a hectic time this week with the overloaded work. Therefore I barely took notice of the invitation cards that I had actually scribbled down in my agenda months ago. But then I came accross them one night and decided to try. Nothing to lose eyy !! So there I was, tired and panting […]

Just P.U.S.H !!

A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and the Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his […]